Luci Urrutia
Atención a clientes
We are a technological and creative services company that creates visual tools for architectural projects, constructive processes, and real estate promotion.
DEMO 2020
We add value and make a visible difference in the presentation, visualization and comunication of any type of architectural, construction or insfrastructure Project.
Our visual productions add value to the visual and interactive presentation of any scale projects, and they are used for companies, investors, press and government.

Our global clients sited in America, Europe and Asia, for whom we have had the challenge to document visually their infrastructure and energy projects in Mexico and Guatemala, corroborate this.

Some of the great projects for which we have created visual material are:

The highest tower in Mexico City (Reforma 432)
The deepest Project in Mexico City (Emisor Poniente II Tunnel)
The New International Airport of Mexico City (NAICM) in Texcoco, Mexico State.
The Santa Lucía International Airport (AISL) in Zumpango, Mexico State.
2.7 GW in PV and WPP (Renewable energies)

Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant VILLANUEVA
Viesca, Coahuila, México
Size: 2750 ha
Duration: 22 months

Work monitoring through video, timelapse, photos, aerial photography, 360° and VR.

We designed in-house timelapse cameras that were continuously shooting throughout the whole project.

With our visual material a report was made for Discovery Channel and a permanent exhibition is being produced for the National Museum of Energy and Technology (MUNET) in Mexico City.
We have more than a thousand ways to communicate the construction progress or the outstanding results of any project.
In the exact dimension, scale or complexity, our specialty is to
connect your world with ours.
The best way to predict the future is building it.
Why us?
We study about the different technologies to capture, process and communicate any space or action. We are clear that becoming experts in our area is what allows us to anticipate the future.
In every still, moving or virtual image, the quality is measurable. Therefore, it is not subjective. Our quality is in the details and in what is not visible to the naked eye, too.
Our professionals have among 5 and 25 years of experience in the most incredible visual projects.
IN 360°
POLANCO - Mexico City
Mexico City 360°
Present the executive Project, tour the work, or communicate the project in a immersive way.
It will be a quite experience for your clients and it will allow them to perceive your project form any space, land or air.
Present the executive Project, tour the work, or communicate the project in a immersive way.
It will be a quite experience for your clients and it will allow them to perceive your project form any space, land or air.
Find out about our news, first!
Once a month we will tell you about our new projects, the behind-the-scenes or new examples of videos, photos or 360°.
+52 1 55 13718860